I don’t work Mondays

This morning my son asked me, “Do you work Mondays?”

He asked because I work at his school and he wanted me to carry something into school for him. I had to disappoint him today because I don’t work Mondays. I work 3 days a week at the school.

I don’t know about you but the summer mornings before school are even busier than usual. Here’s what my morning looked like:

My eldest needed ingredients for a cookery lesson so as well as getting the usual lunches ready I was also busy measuring out flour into a freezer bag and wrapping up a single egg in an egg box. (I did ask her if the school had considered buying a dozen eggs and asking everyone to bring in 5op, rather than getting 12 girls to each bring in a single egg. What could she say? She’s not in charge.) Thankfully she is organised so had already gone and bought the tomatoes and grated cheese she needed. Legend.

The aforementioned son has a cricket match this afternoon so as well as reminding him to have his lanyard on and telling him where his tie was I prepared a box of food for him so he doesn’t arrive home absolutely ravenous. I then tried to smear a bit of suncream on him and checked he had a cap and called after him (through the entryphone, like a madwoman) to check he had water with him. I then phoned him when he was on the bus to double check he did actually have water and wasn’t just saying that so I’d let him leave and he wouldn’t be late. (His match is about an hour’s drive away and I’m still waiting to hear if he’ll be brought back to school or whether I need to go and collect him. Eek.)

My younger son is doing ‘bikeability training’ this week so needed to cycle to school. In theory this is no bother but when I asked him when he’d last ridden his bike he said ‘that place we went when it was Martha’s birthday’ (Centerparcs), which was in the Easter holidays so his dad had to go out and check his tyres and do whatever other mysterious things need to be done to bikes before you can go anywhere. He also needed his swimming kit which was in the wash so we had to gather together a spare set. Not a big deal. So far it’s 8.03 and things are going OK. Between cycling and swimming I’m not sure he’s going to do much English today but I’m happy for him.

This was also the morning when, in preparation for the school fair, we needed to take in prizes for the tombola, i.e. toys/games that children would like to win. We have a different school fair offering each week at the moment. Last week it was a cup of sweets. The first year this whole situation caught me out but now I see it coming round the corner and am quite prepared. Remembering to take the things in that I’ve bought feels like the real achievement, especially when I was having to remember the bike helmet and the swimming and the flour and eggs and the water and suncream mentioned above. (Please, please never assume a parent is forgetful when they forget something!)

In between these activities I was merrily putting loads of washing in because while the sunshine may give my son sunstroke today, it will also dry my washing. Which for a mother of four, is such a treat. And I was also running a small cafe – making porridge, sunny-side-up-well-done-please-eggs on toast, peanut butter sandwiches (not toasted) and jam on toast. Some would argue that I should just dump some Weetabix down and tell everyone to be grateful, and I would find it hard to argue with them.

I say all these things not to moan. I actually love being at home and being able to get everything ready for my children. I want them to have what they need. Plus I have energy in the morning. (This evening, when we have boxing club, drama club, piano lessons and a possible drive to Teddington to collect a dehydrated cricketer, I may struggle.) I say this for two reasons:

  1. Perhaps you had a similar morning and it’s nice to know you’re not the only one. Keep going. Your children are blessed and it’s not too long now till the holidays.
  2. Perhaps it’s more accurate to say that I do work Mondays, after all.

How about you? Do you work Mondays?

Author: muminzoneone

Christian; Wife; Mother of 4; Urbanite.